CC-API brings CHEMCAD to the cloud.
At ACHEMA2018 in Frankfurt/ Main, we showcase three applications where CHEMCAD is made available over the internet.
The left part of the picture shows our architecture for unlimited, distributed CHEMCAD instances. It can be used to build a CHEMCAD cluster to solve large-scale optimization problems. If you are an academic institution join the CHEMCAD Scientific Cluster Initiative (CSCI)!
On the right, CHEMCAD is made available behind a WordPress-based website. Since 2015, the Process Simulation Cup showcases how any web interface can replace the CHEMCAD graphical user interface (GUI) without sharing the CHEMCAD flowsheet.
Live on-screen we demonstrated the Multivariate Sensitivity Study implemented on Lab. The Lab is our web-based application (programmed in C#) which shows innovative functionalities based on CHEMCAD.