Multivariate Sensitivity Study
to know your process

What is Multivariate Sensitivity Study?

Multivariate Sensitivity Study examines multiple input and output relationships and reveals their effects on process results.

It identifies parameters with a critical impact on the operating areas of the process. It allows for testing the alternative constraints and objectives. 

For fast calculation, a Multivariate Sensitivity Study is calculated on a cluster of CHEMCAD / DWSIM instances.

It is for every engineer who wants to visualize the process behavior, get valuable insights for optimized operations, and improve energy and production efficiencies.

You can get the Multivariate Sensitivity Study here. 

Why use the Multivariate Sensitivity Study?

Cover large solution spaces

You analyze the entire solution space with full factorial or space-filling designs

MSS Solution Space

Apply constraints with filters

You discover parameter dependencies and dimension reductions using big data analytics

MSS Apply Filters

Find pareto-optimal solutions

You visualize solution spaces and pareto fronts for multi-objective optimization problems

MSS Pareto Optimal

Multivariate Sensitivity Study (MSS) is an application hosted on Dashboard, our simulation platform developed for process engineers working with flowsheets. 

How sensitive is your process to parameter changes?

Learn more from our use cases

Case 1- Optimization of a Batch Distillation for Solvent Recovery

Case 2- Distillation of an Ethanol-Water Mixture (see video)

Flowsheet (CHEMCAD)

Flowsheet Screenshot

Flowsheet (DWSIM)

DWSIM Thumbnail

Interactive Data Explorer

Use the sliders on the report below to apply limitations! Observe the relationship between variables.

Check the sensitivities by varying:
  • EtOH fraction
  • Distillate rate
  • Reboiler duty